Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get started?

The first step is to schedule an informational call (please email  During that call you’ll tell us about your needs, have an opportunity to ask questions, and schedule a first appointment if you choose to proceed.  We typically begin with an intake evaluation (90-120 minutes for adults and children, respectively).  If you have recently been evaluated elsewhere a formal evaluation may not be necessary.

Do I need to move all of my treatment to TAG?

Not at all. While you are welcome to shift your services to TAG, we are also delighted to collaborate with your existing care providers.

What are Executive Functions?

Executive functions (EFs) refer to higher-order cognitive processes including planning, organization, time management, attention regulation, impulse control, prioritization, and working memory (temporarily storing and manipulating information in short-term memory). Motivating oneself and overcoming procrastination are often related to EFs. Individuals with ADHD tend to have EF difficulty, although not everyone who has EF difficulty has ADHD.

What if I don’t have ADHD?

Oftentimes individuals are referred to our practice who do not have a diagnosis of ADHD but who struggle with related symptoms. Not to worry. We treat an array of symptoms that often overlap with ADHD but do not necessitate having a diagnosis.

Do you accept insurance?

We do not directly accept insurance. Our clinicians are considered out-of-network providers, which means that you can submit your invoices to your insurer for reimbursement if you have out-of-network benefits. Non-clinical services (coaching by a non-licensed provider) are not reimbursable.

What are your fees?

Fees depend on the clinician and the service; we will be happy to discuss fee structure with you during your informational call.

What is your cancellation policy?

We have a strict 24-hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. Should you need to make a change to an appointment, we ask that you please give us at least 24-hours notice to avoid being charged the full session fee. For evaluations, we request 48-hours notice to ensure you are not charged for a late-cancellation.